Ask the cyclist: keep your distance

Napsal (») 25. 12. 2018 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 388×

Safety vests with a clearly visible imprint should encourage motorists to take more account of cyclists on the road. At the ADFC, the reflective vests can be ordered until January 7th.


At the General German Cycling Club (ADFC) for cyclists can order a safety vest. The special feature: On the garment held in signal yellow emblazoned on the back of a large imprint. He encourages motorists to keep a distance of at least 1.50 meters when passing the cyclist. To put on such a high visibility vest is recommended especially on the narrow bicycle strip on the road.


The first time she saw these vests which made of reflective tapes at a rally in Hamburg, reports ADFC spokeswoman Beaten Rudman. Then she painted herself a simple safety vest with a corresponding hint. "I have often been approached about this painting," says Rudman. Many would have wanted to know where such West exists.

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