Clothing with reflective tape becomes a trend

Napsal (») 25. 5. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 1327×

New customers reflecting a strong social trend: 69% of French are physically active regularly and, in 2012, the budget they spent on the sport was in stable majority, or even increased (in 22% of cases) compared in 2011 (TNS Sores, 2012). Hence the rise in recent years, sports brands that emphasize style over technical performance. "The reflective clothing is an extension of identity and as the individual needs of correspondence between its various areas, he seeks sports equipment in connection with their membership group," notes Frederic Godard, a sociologist at Instead.

Thus goes he's sober motorbikes cloakroom of Nice brand Café du Cyclist, graphics ski Black Crows or the Stella McCartney collection for Adidas, launched in 2004. "Today, customers are willing to spend more to wear the safety clothes with reflective stripe of a designer who mixes functionality and an aesthetic that speaks to them, "says James Carnes, global creative director of Adidas Performance Division. Moreover, the luxury also moves to the sector with reflectve tape. While Kerning group has refocused its activities around two poles: the luxury and "sport and lifestyle", Hermes has dedicated its 2013 theme sport. Throughout the year, the subject rhythmic collections as the events of French saddler, and gave birth to a luxurious and elegant line for skiing.

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