Cyclists are obliged to wear clothing with reflective tape

Napsal (») 9. 7. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 775×

In these days we should expect tighter checks on roads. We can expect more marked and unmarked police cars with wide orate. The police will not only control the speed, but also pay attention to the condition of sobriety managers.

There will not be any leniency for speeders speeding - says Monika Kosice, a spokesman for police headquarters in Koszalin. - We urge that drivers paid particular attention to pedestrians. After dark, on badly lit roads, pedestrian in safety vest is barely visible.

The driver only sees it in the lights of the car. If you are driving too fast, it cannot slow down in time. Be careful after dark, passing through small towns, especially in the area of ​​pedestrian crossings and bus stops. It is also important that pedestrians, who have to navigate the roadway or shoulder, wore reflective elements.

Let us remember that the minimum stopping a car traveling at 50 km / h is about 30 meters and at a speed of 100 km / h, it is already 80 meters.

When planning a trip on public roads must remember to observe the traffic rules.

Cyclists are obliged to secure compliant ride and wearing clothing with reflective tape, so to them and others risked not an accident.

Those who opt for a longer trip or visiting, they must be properly secured apartment or house. Burglars do not rest, a few days absence household use, says Monika Kosice. Ideal protection is gone, but we can reduce the risk of burglary to a minimum. One of the best solutions is to alert a neighbor. It should tell them that it will not be us a few days and ask that during this time drew attention to our apartment.

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