Cyclists’ safety with reflective tape

Napsal (») 29. 7. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 879×

Cyclists like people moving car or other means of transport, the provisions - orders and bans, but also the benefits that may be controversial. Because of misconceptions, between one and the second road users, there are often conflicts. For example, when control the bike ahead of other than by bike, slowly moving toward vehicles with their right hand. This way of driving annoys many drivers, because between cars cyclist without safety vest may be unnoticed and hit. However, this drive is compatible with the provisions and guilt in this case shall be borne by the driver of the car.

Another provision, which in turn do not respect cyclists, is the prohibition of passing through the crossing. Cyclist is required to dismount from the bike and carry it.

The drivers while they forget that cyclists generally prohibited from driving on the road next to another traffic participant. This is allowed only in certain cases.

Driving along a road next to another bicycle or moped regulations allow exceptionally, if it does not hinder the movement of other traffic, or otherwise does not compromise traffic safety - says Magdalena Clove, a spokesman for the CPP Sonica.

The rules also strictly define different type of situations.

At the intersection and directly in front of him, the cyclist can move to the middle lane if the lane makes it possible to leave the intersection in more than one direction (this occurs subject to Art. 33 paragraph. 1 Law on Road Traffic, i.e. Control the bike has an obligation use a cycle track or lane for bicycles if they are designated for the direction in which it moves or intends to turn) - explained the spokesman.

This is to reduce the risk of extortion on the cyclist way and improve its visibility.

Moreover, it is also admitted driving on the sidewalk, but...

It is allowed in special cases. When a biker taking care of a person under the age of ten years heading the bike, and when weather conditions threaten the safety of the cyclist wear reflective tapes on clothing on the road (snow, strong wind, heavy rain, black ice, fog). In addition, sidewalk riding is permitted when there is no road or lane for bicycles, and the width of the sidewalk running along the road on which traffic is allowed at speeds greater than 50 km / h, is at least two meters. Note, however, that control the bike using the sidewalk or road bike is obliged to drive slowly, careful and give way to pedestrians - mentions Magdalena clove.

The law also defines the issue of transporting children. A child in the age of seven can be transported on a bicycle, provided that it is placed in an extra saddle for safe driving. Carrying it in a bicycle trailer is permitted only if it is structurally designed to carry passengers.

What some may be surprised that, but moving in headphones on is not formally prohibited by law. There is no threat so for this mandate. From a security standpoint, however, it is risky, because the cyclist cannot hear the horn or an approaching car.

Note that the driver, who turns into the road, is obliged to exercise extreme caution and yield to the rider after the rider in front of the roadway lane for bikes, road bike or any other part of the road, which intends to leave. Furthermore control car, passing by the road for bicycles outside the road, is obliged to give way - reminds spokesman.

Cyclists, in turn, can not benefit from motorways and expressways. The mandate for entry into the fast road is 250 so.

What a ride with promilami?

Changed the rules regarding cycling intoxicated or under the influence of similarly acting substance.

This act is now a misdemeanor, with Art. 87, which states that anyone who, finding themselves in a position after using alcohol or similarly acting substance, carries on a public road in a residential zone or traffic zone other than a motor vehicle, shall be subject to arrest or a fine of not less than 50 so. In addition to the penalty of arrest or fine the court can adjudicate ban on driving vehicles other than motor vehicles for a period of 6 months to 3 years. The ban, however, will not (as yet for the offense) mandatory. In determining whether his rule, the court may take into account, for example. Is your bike is ready to ride?

It is the duty of cyclists to have proper preparation wheeler to ride. Each bike must have at least one efficient brake, bell or other warning signal is mandatory and in addition must be such so as not to frighten published sound. No compulsory bell may end the mandate in the amount of PLN 50. According to existing rules, each bike must also have at the back of the reflection of the red color of a shape other than a triangle and front - front light color white or yellow, solid or flashing. Helmet and reflective jacket is not mandatory equipment rider.

Statistics beneficial

Although not all the rules are known, so far it manages to avoid accidents involving cyclists. From January to county roads it reported only a few such events.

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