A long yellow snake meanders insistently through the corridors of the elementary school. But does not worry dear parents, it's not a python. It is the students in Classes 1a and 1b who proudly present their new yellow safety vests.
"It's great," says Headmaster. Since 2010, the ADAC Foundation has been distributing the signal vests at elementary schools all over Germany - and for several years now also at the primary school. Under the motto "School in sight. Kids in view. ", The Automobile Club has sent around 750,000 neon yellow safety vests with the reflective tape to elementary schools. "We see it as a preventive measure on the part of the school," explains the headmistress. Especially in the now beginning dark season, the vest with its reflectors is a safety factor. Above all, they make the small shooters even in the dark at a great distance clearly visible. A big plus for avoiding road accidents. Especially with children, visibility means safety at the same time.
The 40 first graders and their class teachers Sandra (1a) and Daniela (1b) are happy about the new vest.
Every year, around 30,000 children are involved in a traffic accident in Germany. Since the start of the campaign, more than 6 million new school students have received a shining vest with the reflective material.