Enhanced security: road signs with reflective tape

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 7. 5. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 1047×

In collaboration with the competent authorities, the Province of Hainaut and Wallonia, road signs has been strengthened with reflective tape at the container park just outside "Tournai 3", located in Ronse Ground Kain Tournai in the entity.

Directional signs were added after the bridge and after the "left turn" to access the highway. A sign of "no entry" was placed at the edge of the traffic island, opposite the site and fitted with reflectors, in order to prevent motorists in safety vest from engaging against the grain on the highway.

As for the markings, the indication "PAC" (for Container Park) is listed three times beside arrows to the left for motorists, while the indication "highway" has also been added.

A sign "no entry" and traffic separators remind users that are outside the container park that they must precede to the roundabout "Tournai Expo".

Preventive radar attracts the attention of drivers from Mourcourt on their speed, while mobile preventive radar will also occasionally install.

Finally, the entrance to the container yard remains lit at night while reflective strips or reflective tape fitted to the gate.

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