If you are going on holiday by car, you need to know the rules

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 26. 8. 2019 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 323×
reflective tapes

Croatia, the most popular destination of Slovaks, directs daylight. A reflective vest, a warning triangle, a first-aid kit, and even a fire extinguisher must not be missing.

Holiday destinations this year Slovaks also choose in terms of security. According to Invia statistics, the first places of interest are European countries that can be reached by car, namely Greece, Italy, and Croatia. Before traveling, drivers need to study the traffic rules not only in their destination but also in the countries they pass through.

In Austria and Slovenia, as the most common transit countries, 0.5 per mile of blood alcohol is tolerated. In Austria, unlike Slovenia, it is not necessary to light all day. Reflective waistcoat sew on reflective tape, warning triangle, and first aid kit must be available to drivers. They must also present a green card in Slovenia. Children must be obliged to travel in child safety seats.

Croatia, the most popular destination of Slovaks, directs daylight. Reflective vest, warning triangle, first aid kit, and even fire extinguisher are not missing. "Children under 12 must not sit in the front seats. If they are traveling in the back, they must have a suitable car seat or cushion designed for their age and weight category," explains Lukáš Fiala from Britax Römer.

Year-round lighting is mandatory outside the village and in Italy. "In Italy, there is also a new ban on smoking in a car carrying children under the age of 12 or pregnant women under a fine of between EUR 500 and EUR 5 000. The use of child seats is mandatory without exception," adds Fiala. The first-aid kit is not mandatory in Italy, but due to its safety and the obligation to have a first-aid kit in the neighboring countries, experts recommend it here.

The maximum speed limit in Slovakia - Croatia / Italy states is 50 km/h in the municipality and 130 km/h on the motorway. A small amount of alcohol in the blood is also tolerated. However, experts do not recommend alcohol at all on long journeys.

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