Implementation of reflective tapes for cargo vehicles will be phased

Napsal (») 26. 5. 2020 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 562×
reflective tapes

The Government announced that the resolution issued by the Ministry of Transport that regulates the installation of retro-reflective tapes in cargo vehicles has already entered into force, to increase visibility and reduce the probability of road accidents.

The measure implies that these tapes should only be in red and white colors and will be mandatory for vehicles traveling on the country's roads. The phased implementation is also established until May 2020.

The Government indicated that the measures will initially begin to apply to "both public service and private motor vehicles, destined for land transportation of cargo, as well as for trailers and semi-trailers intended for cargo transportation, with a gross vehicle weight of more than 0.75 tons ", indicated the national traffic and transport police.

The standard also applies to self-propelled construction and industrial agricultural machinery. Meanwhile, as of January 4, 2020, the measure will take effect for "motor vehicles with a capacity greater than nine passengers including the driver and as of May 4, 2020, for motor vehicles destined for mixed transport, with a capacity greater than 9 passengers. including the driver."

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It is worth mentioning that initially this measure was scheduled to take effect in December 2018. However, given the lack of supply from different suppliers, its implementation was postponed to allow time for the tapes to arrive in the country.

"By resolution 4919 of October 25, 2018, the deadline for transporters to use retro-reflective tapes in motor vehicles was extended as it will allow avoiding price abuse to acquire said tape," said Deputy Minister Juan Camilo Ostos.

The official maintained that this measure seeks to benefit transport users. "Of the 1,200,000 vehicles that are the subject of this resolution, only 50,000 vehicles were already on them and the stock of the producers of these tapes in the country is insufficient to cover demand in such a short time," he said.

The vice-minister specified that with the National Road Safety Agency (ANSV), the deadline was extended "so that more retro-reflective tapes would arrive in the country and thus there would be real price competition that would avoid abuse of users and also so that transporters would have the certainty of how they should put the tape on their vehicles to guarantee road safety."

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