Murmansk firefighters celebrate their professional holiday

Napsal (») 29. 5. 2019 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 349×

The 100th anniversary of the fire brigade of the Murmansk region and the 370th anniversary of the fire brigade in Russia - the holiday was timed to these two dates. At the "Five Corners", employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and subordinate organizations demonstrated the townspeople with equipment, machinery and safety clothing, with the help of which they struggle with the fire element.

Sergey Bondartsev, representative of the rescue team of the Murmansk region: "Here we have climbing equipment to rescue people in the mountainous terrain. The same equipment for water facilities. And hydraulic equipment to rescue from the rubble."

Sergey has served in the rescue squad for a year. He decided to connect his life with the fire brigade after he left the student rescue squad for 4 years.

Sergey Bondartsev, representative of the rescue team of the Murmansk region: "Who is more interested in equipment - young people or adults? Mostly small children."

Dmitry Muravlev, head of the guard of the 4th rescue unit: "Until 1977, these boevi sewed. It is simple, linen. She was wearing a sweatshirt. Her fire resistance is small. And here, boevki after 77 years have gone. And modern, bright, all the reflective tapes are."

Dmitry has been serving for 11 years. In the profession got quite by accident. He says that fate happened.

Dmitry Muravlev, head of the guard of the 4th rescue unit: "It wasn’t that I wanted to be a firefighter from childhood. I got a job, went. Now I can't even imagine life without it."

Our tour unexpectedly interrupted. All rushed to the site where the car accident scenery was built.

Demonstration performances - an exciting spectacle. According to the scenario: two cars collided, there are victims. Firefighters and rescuers get to work.

Nikita Strelkov and Yaroslav Kuznetsov: "How often do you have to be in the role of victim? No, not often. To be honest, the first time. What feeling? Interesting. See everything from the other side."

Dmitry Timofeev, the ensign of the internal service: "The unmanned aerial vehicle is intended for the investigation of the territories of an emergency. Rate it or search for victims in a large area. Reduces search time than walking squares. I started it, he found a man and help came to it."

Dmitry told us about the modern model of the copter, which is equipped with a TV. With it, you can make searches at night. The next item on the program is the reconstruction of the actions of rescuers during a fire in the apartment.

Well, what a holiday of fire protection can be without an exhibition of equipment, which is in service with the Murmansk Fire and Rescue Garrison. The greatest interest of the public caused the car 50s. In the center of the city, he arrived under its own power.

At the festival, creative teams from Murmansk and the region performed, as well as creative teams from the Emergencies Ministry staff. And, of course, the words of congratulations sounded.

Ruslan Nazarov, Head of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Murmansk Region: "370 years of fire protection in Russia. This is a unique holiday. This is a long and very difficult path of the firefighter fraternity, filled with human destinies and entire generations of people devoted to their favorite profession. Safety in every home, dry sleeves, warmth, goodness, and light to you and your loved ones."

The holiday ended with a solemn passage of fire and rescue equipment along the central avenue of Murmansk.

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