On patrol by Cable

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 26. 2. 2019 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 380×

Policeman Ens Yangtze is Regional Area Officer in Cable. He walks around town with his eyes open, but sometimes he pushes one too.

It is dark and occasionally small snowflakes are trickling down the cobbled street. The little light that illuminates the Castle Street in Cable comes from the street lamps. Apart from the patrol car of regional area official Ens Yangtze, there is no car in sight this January evening. The engine is humming to itself.

Then Yangtze lets down the window. "What about light?", He shouts to a boy who is just passing the patrol car with his bicycle. The boy stops immediately and gets off the bike. "Yes, I push on," says the boy, without being prompted by Yangtze. "Good," says Yangtze. "And get a light on it." The boy affirms this and continues on his way towards the market. He pushes the wheel next to him.

No planned route

"I do not understand that some are traveling in this dark season without light and without reflective clothing," says Yangtze. He drives off and continues his patrol through Cable.

On this Thursday evening, the policeman is traveling alone. But that's not always like this. Sometimes a member of the public order's office accompanies him on his tour of the city. A ore-planned route he has not with reflective tapes. Every time it goes somewhere else. And although Yangtze has only been working in Cable as a regional field official for about a year, he already knows the city well.

Missing signs and lighting

As he drives the police car down the barn road, a construction fence blocks the way. Here is just demolished the old cinema. Yangtze shakes his head. "That's not how it works," says the official and puts the reverse gear. What he means is, on the one hand, the missing signs, because a dead end sign was not set up. In addition, five lamps would illuminate the site, but these are missing.

On his tour, he also drives to the places that young people like to use as a meeting place. For example, two benches near the Stephanie. But there is no one to see far and wide. "That's what I thought. That's probably too cold for them today, "says Yangtze. The thermometer is at about minus three degrees Celsius. Then he points to a construction fence next to the benches. "If the kids drink something here, then the fence is often used as a toilet and pee through there."

Ens Yangtze turns the patrol car and steers him further through the streets of the city. He drives slowly and lets his eyes wander. In the car, you hear only the rumble of the shock absorb when the streets become uneven again and now and then the slightly crackling radio messages from other police officers.

The patrol continues. Yangtze steers the car into the large Angelia and passes the Schiller-Gymnasium, over the bridge, on the Hedger. He turns right and follows the path along the Sable.

Dog owners must know their animals

Out of the dark comes the patrol car a man. Next to him is a dog. "Actually, the dog would have to be leashed," says Yangtze and drives slowly past the man. But the official closes an eye. "Everyone needs to know his dog. He just has to listen, even if he is not leashed, "says Yangtze. He also has a dog at home.

After about one and a half hours, the patrol tends towards the end. The regional field officer drives along Vegeburger Strafe and passes a cyclist. Both the front and the rear of the wheel are fitted with lights that are bright. Everything in accordance with regulations. Everything as it should be. "You would have to push ten euros directly into the hand," says Yangtze.

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