Security is fashionable! GUOBDD conducted a campaign for children in Bishkek

Napsal (») 28. 5. 2019 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 349×

Entertaining games, interactivity with animators, prize draw and performance of Russian pop stars were waiting for the participants and spectators.

In one of the shopping and entertainment centers in Bishkek, an action for children was held under the title “Security is fashionable!”. The organizer is the General Directorate of Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The event was attended by young traffic inspectors (UIDD) and young police friends (UDM) under the leadership of the juvenile affairs inspectors in Bishkek and Chui Oblast. They demonstrated drill, knowledge of traffic rules and played instructive scenes.

The purpose of the action is to attract the attention of adults to young road users. After all, with the onset of spring, children can ride the roadway on rollers, bicycles, and scooters.

The head of GUOBDD MIA Nur Satybaldiev noted that parents should, first of all, teach children how to behave near the carriageway.

The head of the security service of the Bishkek police department noted that a reflective tape can be used to avoid child injuries on the roads. It should only be attached to a backpack or clothing.

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