Wear vest with reflective tape to cross road

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 21. 5. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 958×

Following the accident at Gouesnac'h Wednesday, February 25, residents of Kervern hamlet called a demonstration this Saturday at 10am in front of the town hall. So pedestrians should take the reflective accessories  or reflective tape to make them visible.

The inhabitants of the hamlet of Kervern have not waited for the crash of a schoolboy on 25 February, to mobilize. "Since 2009, a move heaven and earth to make Mom develop this portion of the RD 234 (axis Gouesnach - Bridge Mill) which has neither shoulder nor bus shelter or lighting or signaling panel" laments Lucia Trouillebout, one of whose children that without safety vest take the bus in September.

12 in children over 4 years

Currently, 6-8 high school students take the bus daily on this straight road limited to 70 km / h. "Within four years, there will be at least 12 more," says Lucie Trouillebout. Students of parents will circulate a petition Saturday at 10 am at the demonstration outside the town hall. They ask the construction of baffles to reduce the speed; the creation of a bike path; installing lighting and signage. 

The young student is still hospitalized and the retired on the same road accident late last year. So reflective clothing with reflective tape is important for pedestrians.

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