What a driver sees at night if a pedestrian goes with "national costume"

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 25. 9. 2019 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 356×
reflective tapes

Many have at least heard the theory. If pedestrians cross a sidewalk or a crossing without reflectors, the driver can see them only 50 meters away when driving in low-beam only. And when used correctly, reflective materials increase visibility up to 150 meters. So the chance to stop in time and avoid a disaster increases by a factor of 3.

Journalists decided to test for themselves the difference between theory and practice. Journalist dressed in a so-called "national Lithuanian autumn suit" specifically for this experiment: a black coat with a black belt, dark jeans, and boots. Even a black hoodie was put on his head.

However, drivers often find that such a dress code is unsafe, as a pedestrian in disguise is sometimes difficult to detect even on a darker autumn day.

The car drove by Pekarskas during the experiment. The vehicle has been overtaken, so its short lights are better than most Lithuanian drivers. True, the weather conditions were moderately good: it did not rain, but the wet asphalt absorbed the light flux. Through the camera lens, visibility was slightly better than with the naked eye. For the tests, journalists chose one of the crossings in the capital's Zujnai district. And again, illuminated very moderately - just street lighting. No LED illumination - just ordinary street lamps. In this way, not the worst conditions were simulated during the experiment.

It is also very important to know that visibility through the camera lens was slightly better than with the naked eye. Take a look at what it looked like.

After the experiment, the journalist admitted that the test results were somewhat surprising. "So, for safety's sake, I even dipped in the dim lights just before the crossing to see a colleague in a black coat.

However, I was surprised to see that even when wearing reflectors, I did not see Spruce from a distance of 100 m (this is the distance the Children's Warning sign is located). Therefore, it should always be borne in mind that pedestrians, even with multiple reflectors, may not necessarily be able to safely cross the crossing at dusk or dusk. By the way, the cars were pretty dazzling at the front too, so when I approached the crossing, I sometimes felt like I was driving with sunglasses at night."

The journalist surprised not so much by the tendency of the Lithuanian population to dress in black, rather than by the reluctance to decorate with reflectors. "During the experiment, I tried several different types of reflectors, including strips attached to my hands or feet, hanging circles, and even wearing a reflective vest. But what I liked most was the reflective elk. Such toys are really cute. Should appeal to both children and adults. Both decorate and save a life."

How to wear a reflector correctly It is true that not many people walk the dark streets with a reflector, but with a backpack handle. Having such a reflector - wearing it will certainly not help the driver to see you better on the street because even with one reflector it was still difficult for the driver to notice.

There are a few simple rules for using reflectors correctly: It is important to attach the strap-spring reflector to the sleeve of your garment (slightly above your wrist) or your leg shin. A reflective tape that has been strung through a string or chain must be attached to a garment (pocket) so that it glows at the height of a person's knees. Very often you can spot a reflector that is wrapped around the handle of the handbag. The reflector thus fitted is hardly noticeable and is often covered by clothing. In the highway, pedestrians must be on the left side of the road ahead of the direction of the car, so reflectors should be placed on the right arm and leg, or the right side of clothing.

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