Bulletproof safety vests cover all Local Police

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 15. 11. 2017 v kategorii reflective uniform, přečteno: 557×

The City Council has already tendered for 82,547 Euros the purchase of 93 units and the rest will be purchased next year. The Local Police will have personal bulletproof safety vest for all the troops that usually walk the street. The commitment made by the Councilor for Citizen Security, Antonio Lorenzo, with unions such as UGT will allow the Costello policemen, who until now had to share this personal safety garment, have their own vest.

In total the City will acquire almost 200 bulletproof vests although it will do so in phases to cover almost all of the staff, consisting of 300 troops. The first will allow acquiring 93 before the end of the year and the second, a similar amount, the next exercise. In fact, the session has already tendered the purchase of the same, the first remittance, for 82,547 Euros, VAT included.

This will make it possible for the agents of the municipal body not to have to share reflective vests as before. "Now the agents had a crew in turn of vests. This means that it should be shared with the lack of hygiene that this implies", explains the union delegate of UGT in the Local Police, Manuel Vidal. "We are very satisfied because agreement has been reached between the councilor for Citizen Security and Headquarters of our claim carried out 'A policeman, a vest' for the purchase of the same (budget) will be carried out through two phases, one for this year and another for next year, "explains the delegate of the staff meeting.

Providing the Local Police of Costello with bullet-proof vests is an old claim that has lasted since the previous legislature and was not attended to by the PP government. Now, and after almost all the political parties, including the PP, have requested this protection for the agents, the bipartite has assumed the purchase of almost 200 units reflective uniforms.

The latest developments in terms of security, such as the increase in the level 4 antiterrorism alert and the attacks in Catalonia have been decisive for the current government team to bet on improving the self-protection measures of its Local Police after several years of union fight.

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