Security guards threaten to go on strike

Napsal (») 23. 11. 2017 v kategorii reflective uniform, přečteno: 562×

This is how the security guards feel, that yesterday they concentrated on the Adie station in Tarragona to demand a series of rights and achieve the dignity of this sector. Claudio, one of the security guards in reflective uniform who yesterday were together with 50 other comrades in the station, says that they are carrying out these mobilizations at the state level mainly to request a fair national collective agreement and collect the extra risk, that in the last few years have cut by up to 87%.

In addition, this group requests to have a kit according to the tasks they carry out in their day to day. Simply with the reflective vest and the police baton they feel unprotected before the criminals they face. They request to go armed and with bulletproof vests. The security guards who work in strategic points of Tarragona -such as the train station, the Central Park or water parks- feel discriminated against with the other security forces or bodies. "Other professions such as doctors, teachers, or public transport reviewers are considered agents of authority, but we are not considered as such. In all of Spain we are the forgotten ones of security,” they add.

They also feel threatened. "When we take criminals to court, the staff there calls us by our name, so we are exposed to many dangers if that criminal finds out where we live. It would not be the first time that any of them has threatened our families. “For this reason they demand that they be protected much more and that they be called by their identification number and in no case by their first name. The vigilantes of all Spain in yellow vest will carry out a demonstration on September 27 in Madrid to claim these rights. In the event they do not succeed, "we plan to strike,” they say.

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