Traffic police in reflective uniform

Napsal (») 30. 10. 2015 v kategorii reflective uniform, přečteno: 779×

To prove that on the highway Kiev-Odessa there is a conveyor for receiving bribes - they pretended the inspectors. What came of it - tell Andrew Anastasia.

From the port, and the port of scurrying huge trucks - and even more split canvas. And social activists decided to check how to fulfill this requirement.

We arrived at the traffic police post at the entrance to Odessa. One activist put on a reflective vest usual, to pass for a traffic cop, the second shot everything on video. Every truck passes a special weight complex. According to the law - should stop only truck with front-loaded?

But truckers themselves slow down near the inspector pulled the documents, and they have already invested money.

Two hundred hryvnia, about anything without knowing, drivers passed an activist in a waistcoat. At the same time, public figures say, inspectors were trying to stop the experiment. Truckers give signals to those in any case did not stop. But it did not work out.

According to the calculations of "Road control", only one such post in the pockets of corrupt officials the day gets 150 thousand hryvnia. That could go, for example, to repair the same roads. The traffic police accusations denied. Why the drivers along with the documents are transferred money - explained simply.

"The driver here these booklets them all - where there are registration documents, they often serve as a wallet instead, I used to, too, so it was," - said the unit commander of traffic police in the Odessa region, Vladimir Lewinsky.

On the same traffic police in reflective uniform post and we have visited. Today there trucks, as required by law, the staff checked the inspection of transport, rather than traffic police. But not for long - assured the activists, because carriers to bribe profitable than working by the rules.

"Of course, drivers and more profitable to pay the two hundred hryvnia at the post and go further of course, that inspectors are" - says activist "Traffic Control" Alexander Kunitsky.

The same experiment at the same place "Traffic Control" held two years ago, and then began rotating personnel among cops. Now they say that the traffic police are an internal investigation.

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