7 traps on the road!

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 27. 8. 2018 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 449×

That we have to carry the reflective vests with us for the whole crew, that we do not have a first-aid kit and that we have to follow the usual regulations, we've gotten used to it somehow. But while on the road abroad, even more sophisticated pitfalls are waiting for the driver. So, you know, in which country do you must have reflective safety vest with you? And where do you have to arrange a parked car with a wedge?

Finding out in advance, the specifics of the countries you go to is really worth it. Otherwise, there are a lot of fatal fire and even forced labor or imprisonment in some countries. Even in Europe, you can catch up with relatively quaint rules.

Very special fines

On the way to the Baltic, it's worth paying a car in the car to get a car on the slope - you can get a fine in Estonia without a break. In Turkey or Cyprus, you must have two warning triangles, which are not only back but also forward in the event of an accident. If you wear dioptric glasses or lenses and you are going to Spain, do not forget to take a spare! And store them so that you can reach them comfortably while driving - they must always be "on hand,". In Cyprus, drivers are forbidden to eat and drink while driving. And in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Latvia, Greece, Turkey or Poland, you must have a fire extinguisher and a vest with reflective material in your car.

In Thailand, there is a fine for "women without men" but for men. And another quaint rule is more for laughing: If a woman in American Kentucky drives only in her swimsuit, she must have a gun in order to defend herself against motorists of the opposite sex, or she must be accompanied by two cops...

Inflated tires

Tires that are not sufficiently inflated can get into the problem abroad. In Austria, for example, policemen occasionally like to thoroughly check the technical condition of Czech cars. And they can also park the car due to tire pressure below 160 kPa. Then it is good to have a pump...

Extreme subduction may not be overlooked, but it does not benefit from moderate under-driving performance and fuel economy. And experts point out that up to 90 percent of drivers drive on tire inflation.

Pay attention to changes in pressure after heavy load loading or unloading or to temperature influence - tire pressure vary by approximately 7 kPa to 7 ° C change in air temperature.

Of course, check the sample - in Europe, the minimum summer tire tread height is 1.6mm or less in all countries, but it will certainly not cause a few millimeters.

Traveling on old winter gums can increase your budget due to higher consumption and also put you at greater risk. Winter tires have been up to 20% longer braking distance in high temperatures and significantly worse wet handling. Consumption may be up to 10% higher than summer tires.

Fatigue for 10 thousand

Running on one long haul can be dangerous and expensive too. In Croatia, for example, police officers take good care of the drivers. Just be suspicious because of hesitant and uncertain driving, and you can end up with a doctor exam. If the fatigue proves it, a fine of up to 10,000 crowns may be imposed, and the driver may be detained for two days before sleeping.

Before long travel, you need to sleep well. Beware of a longer sleeping debt. It is good to avoid heavy foods. You should take care of sufficient fluid intake. Vehicle cabin should have a pleasant temperature and fresh air. Experts recommend regular breaks after about two hours of driving. "The impact of fatigue on driver performance is comparable to that of alcohol up to one percent in blood. This brings, among other things, up to seven times the probability of the driver's involvement in the road accident, "warns Roman from the Road Safety Team.


European countries are gradually introducing smoking bans in the car, especially when children are in the car. Most recently, such a ban was introduced in Austria on 1 May. For a violation, a fine of 100 Euros is imposed. The amount is multiplied for repeated misdemeanors.

In Ireland and the UK, it is similar to what is now in Austria: smoking is not allowed if someone under the age of 18 is traveling in the car. In Greece, Cyprus or France smoking is forbidden if children under the age of 12 are traveling in the car. In Italy, smoking is also prohibited if a pregnant woman is in the car. And for such a cigarette, there is a fine of up to 5000 Euros, or about 130 thousand crowns. In Germany, smoking in a car is not limited, but you can get a fine of up to 50 Euros when you have a hand out of the window of a burning cigarette.

Calling - stop is not enough

If you are going to go to France, think that you cannot even touch your phone at the wheel! Not even when you stop at the side. According to the recent court verdict, you must first go to the reserved parking lot.

While calling and driving, or setting up navigation or messaging, there is a huge fine in other countries: Last year, double sanctions in the UK have been tightened, and Germany has recently been tightening for a crime from 60 to 200 Euros you can still "make" a monthly driving ban. In Italy, for phone calls behind the wheel, fines are even more than 600 Euros. In Greece, hands-free earphones are not allowed.

In many countries, (for example, in Slovakia), beware of what prevents you from viewing - navigation, camera or other device may not be placed on the windscreen in the field of view of the driver.

Hard penalties

Police officers abroad can be tough enough to tourists. In addition to high fines, there is also a risk of staying behind bars. For example, in Spain, you may "sit" for two weeks or even up to two months for a significant excess of the permitted speed or blood alcohol. The court can also access publicly beneficial jobs, and who wants to sweep the streets of Spain instead of lying on the beach...

Rough can be in Scandinavia or Switzerland where they rate fines up to hundreds of thousands of crowns for speed.

In any case, paying off with the patrol is not enough to discuss and to pay the fine - in some countries it can mean significant savings. In the administrative procedure, the amounts may be up to two times.

Do not forget the toll

Be sure to check the form of the toll not only in the destination country but also in all of your passage. Riding without a mark does not pay. In some countries, both paper and electronic toll from work, and in Croatia, for example, you can save 20% of the price by using the electronic system. And be careful if you are going to visit some European capitals on the road, in some cities (Berlin, Paris) you have to have a special permit to enter the center, in others (some Italian cities, for example) pay a partial or even total ban entrance.

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