Are you well equipped to ride safely?

Napsal (») 23. 7. 2018 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 467×

Last year, 14 accidents involving cyclists were registered in Haute-Vienne. In half of the cases, two-wheeled drivers were responsible.

Last Saturday, according to information published by our colleagues of the Popular Center, a cyclist aged 15 was hit by a car while driving in Saint-Laurent-les-Eggless. The teenager died Sunday from his injuries. He was not wearing a reflective vest and a helmet, and his bike was not equipped with headlights.

What are the mandatory bike equipment?

Did you know that wearing a self-reflective vest (which is sewn-on reflective tapes) is mandatory when visibility is insufficient? "The lack of a vest is punishable by a fine of 135 Euros," says Hervey, commander of the departmental road safety squadron of Haute-Vienne.

"As for the cycle, it must have front and rear lighting, as well as reflectors on the sides, all of which result in a fine of 11 Euros for each one of them" recalls -he.

Here is the list of mandatory equipment, prepared by securite-router.Gov.Fr

Two brakes, front and rear

Yellow or white front light and red tail light


Reflectors (retro-reflective devices): red at the rear, white at the front, orange at the sides and on the pedals

Wearing a certified retro reflective clothing mandatory for every cyclist (and his passenger) traveling outside town, at night, or when visibility is insufficient

Mandatory helmet use for children under 12, whether drivers or passengers.

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