Assistants have proven themselves, praising the officers

Napsal (») 21. 1. 2019 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 342×

Charade Overlook, Outrun - They look like first-rate officers. They have similar reflective vests and black caps. But they are not armed, nor are they fined. Criminal Prevention Assistants are more of a police assistant and explorer.

For example, they regularly supervise and guard the Royal Office of the Office of Labor. In particular, they monitor the safety of pedestrian crossings in the morning. "Thanks to this, we have been able to expand the number of safe pedestrian crossings in the city," said Jan Peek, the commander of the court's officers.

At the moment, I have four assistants who regularly help patrols to keep track of current developments in the city. "They regularly control potentially endangered sites such as playgrounds and newly Schulz Park Parks in the morning, and then transmit their findings either directly to the guards or to the Trouble Troubleshooter," said Peek.

In DVD Overlook they are using assistance from the autumn of 2015. Just like the neighboring Outrun, where two assistants currently walk through the streets. "When he sees a problem like a starting black dump or a wrecked car wreck, he writes, shoots and reports to our dispatching center," said Degrade Bodacious, director of Outrun police officers.

The assistants first appeared in the district metropolitan area mainly at the schools, in the housing estates controlled the disorder of the garbage bins and supervised the peace and cleanliness of the public buildings. In recent times, the city has been using more impact. For cultural and social events, or when street action is taking place, such as collecting used syringes. "We do not have socially excluded sites or problems with minorities as in other cities. We do not need more of them yet, "Bodacious said.

"Paprika" are DE facto other eyes for the city police. They are going, watching, documenting, and reporting, the city policemen can then do another job. They came out of the competition, they were trained. "Assistants do not have the authority to act as police officers, but they can alert citizens to defaults, or people on the street can handle problems as well as policemen," explained Degrade Bodacious.

In addition to increasing security, the assistant's engagement and social background have been enhanced. For example, in DVD Overlook, up to thirteen people were replaced by the police. "People who for whatever reason have been unable to find a job for a long time have often helped to solve the difficult life situation, and even when they left, they have been given references for further possible employment," Jan Peek stressed.

As a crime prevention assistant, which is largely funded by the Labor Office, the candidate can be employed for a maximum of two years. Since October 2015, the Court has already earned more than 2.5 million crowns in subsidies for assistants.

Also, Outrun appreciates that the assistants do not have to pay for their own. "The sites were created in cooperation with the Labor Office and the European Social Fund's employment projects. It is from the funds that the assistants are subsidized, "said Degrade Bodacious.

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