Car Guards

Napsal (») 16. 8. 2018 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 542×

They are everywhere, they have invaded every street, every artery ... wearing a blue apron or a reflective vest and carrying a whistle and a satchel; it is of course the car keepers, whose number continues to increase in recent years, "rotting" the daily lives of motorists.

They often complain about the behavior of these guards who wearing safety clothing with reflective materials are almost never present when you want to park and who arise from nowhere at the time of departure to claim the costs of the "supposedly guarding". Fees may vary depending on the location and the brand of the car sometimes reaching 20 DH. "There are tired of car guards who dictate their law. Wherever you go, you have to pay for a job they do not even do. For me, they are thieves in disguise. They can claim the money even for a stop for 2 minutes and even if we stay inside the car.

The worst thing is that you cannot refuse because they almost all have scary head. They are perfectly capable of attacking a person who does not want to pay, especially if it is a woman. "laments Hassan, a motorist. These anarchic practices also revolt foreign tourists who find that car guards can, by themselves, spoil their stay in Morocco. "While in Morocco from time to time, a country I loved, we are witnessing a ruthless mafia made up of car guards who are now everywhere. I took the coastal road, in the region of Casablanca, and I had fun counting the number of guards on a distance of about 2 km, and there were about 51 guards who share this distance and who monitor motorists and not their vehicle. I even saw guards insult people, women verbally assaulted and even physically in high-demand areas, "a French tourist castigates. And add: "A road user can pay up to 5,000 DH per year of parking fees without realizing.

This is the equivalent of the annual insurance premium, and cumulative it is billions of dirham's insidiously withdrawn from Moroccans... a real tax paid unjustly to this mafia. What is distressing is the position of the authorities who let it go and who are unaware of the consequences on the country's reputation. Just sees the low return rate of tourists. Car guards do not just squat every street, but also private car parks. Indeed, in the city of Casablanca, the City Council has installed parking meters in the arteries of the districts of Mari, Ana, Ruches, downtown and other areas to regulate the problem of parking in the metropolis. Yet car guards continue to make the law by imposing excessive tariffs sometimes up to 20 DH per day in some areas and often acting illegally.

"It is not normal. Car guards exaggerate. Even in areas where there are parking meters, they are there and they claim they are paid. I subscribed to a monthly subscription to be entitled to this service and avoid paying each time. Yet car guards do not want to know anything. They make me pay for them every day, ensuring they have the right to do so. But who gives them this right? And until when will it last? ", Denounces a motorist.

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