Cyclist - be safe on the road

Napsal (») 19. 1. 2021 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 473×

From 2020, until September, there were as many as 2,691 road accidents involving cyclists in Poland, in which 170 bicycle riders were killed and 2,448 were injured. Most of the injured are people over 60 years of age.

Regardless of age, each cyclist, for his safety, should ensure that he is visible to other road users.

A reflective vest, reflective harness, bands, although not obligatory, make it easier for the driver to see the cyclist, especially in poor visibility.

The cyclist's safety also depends on the technical condition of the bicycle and its equipment.

A properly equipped bicycle should have:

in the front - at least one white or selective yellow position lamp (maybe flashing);

at the rear - at least one red reflex reflector of a shape other than a triangle and at least one red position lamp (maybe flashing);

at least one effective brake;

a bell or other warning signal with a non-piercing sound.

When using a bicycle, always remember about the applicable regulations. Cyclists must use cycle lanes whenever possible. While driving, the cyclist is forbidden to use the phone that requires the handset or microphone to be held.

The behavior of other road users is very important for the safety of cyclists. Passenger car drivers contribute to most of the incidents in which two-wheelers are injured. To a large extent, these accidents are caused by failure to give way to the right of way and incorrect overtaking. On the other hand, accidents by cyclists occur mainly as a result of failure to give way to other drivers and during an incorrectly performed turning maneuver.

Let's remember! Compliance with the road traffic regulations combined with mutual kindness, respect, and understanding will certainly improve road safety.

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