Daily 35 cyclists are fined for not having security elements in Bogotá

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 18. 5. 2020 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 345×
Reflective Vest

According to figures from the Ministry of Mobility, during the first semester of 2018 863 appearances have been imposed on cyclists who do not use their lighting devices. The entity launched a campaign to promote the use of reflective vests.

Taken from Fotolia

The administration delivered 1,500 vests at seven points in the city to promote the safety of cyclists on the roads. Reflective garments bring messages to the back that invite the care and respect of bicycle users. In some of them, you can read "I am a good friend, take care of me", "I have children, take care of me", "My family is waiting for me, take care of me", among others.

The strategy aims to reduce deaths and accidents on the roads that compromise cyclists, since according to the Colombian Traffic Police, by September 2017, 42% of the accidents with cyclists that had been registered that year had occurred in the hours of the night and involved cyclists without a reflective vest.

However, the bicycle has become a transport mechanism for those citizens who want to do the removal of the Bogota traffic jams. According to the Ministry of Mobility, bike trips have increased by 38%, from 611,000 trips in 2011 to 847,000 in 2015. The projection for this year is 900,000 trips per day.

Likewise, the cases are presented mostly in sections of bicycle paths and at road intersections. The lack of use of security elements is one of its main causes. During the first half of 2018, 36 fatal accidents occurred.

The Secretary of Mobility made some recommendations to citizens who use the bicycle as their means of transportation and suggested that they use front lights (white) and rear lights (red) both during the day and at night and use reflective lights on the feet and helmet.

Also, he recalled that according to the National Traffic Code, cyclists who do not comply with basic prevention measures such as traveling with the required lighting elements, will be sanctioned with a comparison of four current legal daily minimum wages, that is, $ 104,200.

According to a study carried out in Denmark with 6,793 volunteer cyclists, light clothing reduces road accidents by 55%.

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