Dangerous time for pedestrians: often suffer from the same mistake

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 30. 11. 2020 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 382×

It does not dawn for a long time in the morning, and it gets dark early in the evening, so pedestrians often become participants in road accidents. It is worth noting that the injured pedestrians are most often united by one significant mistake - there are no reflectors on their clothes. Representatives of the Lithuanian Traffic Police said that it is important for pedestrians to know to protect themselves.

A pedestrian is the same participant in the movement as a car driver or cyclist, so he must follow traffic rules. This was emphasized by the head of the Lithuanian Traffic Police (LDP) Vytautas Grašis and noted that lately fewer pedestrians are dying on the roads, however, these accidents remain a serious problem. Over the past 10 years, the number of fatalities on the roads has decreased by half. According to the LDP, 58 pedestrians died in traffic accidents last year, and 121 in 2009. "The statistics, of course, are gradually improving, compared to last and the year before last. However, 28 people died before September 1 of this year, which is a lot," said Grashis. According to him, the reasons for the death of pedestrians are the same. Most of these accidents occur at night. 65% of pedestrians die in the dark, they do not have reflectors. "A big role is played by inattention, a lack of understanding that all road users must pay maximum attention to safety, compliance with traffic rules. Again, often the cause of death is an unexpected appearance on the roadway, non-compliance with traffic signals. drivers who do not let pedestrians pass, do not notice them even at pedestrian crossings. This is already non-observance of traffic rules by both sides, "said Grashis. The main thing in autumn is to be visible When asked what gives the best effect for reducing the number of road accidents, Grashis said that the main thing is to improve the infrastructure, but the most effective measure is prevention and education. “Of course, it is important to improve infrastructure, improve roads, pedestrian paths and crossings, but I think the situation is best changed by the information that a pedestrian must comply with traffic rules himself. Now it is clear that parents understand that children imitate them. There are fewer situations when at a pedestrian crossing, a mother and child walk across the road at a red light. We understand that this is how we endanger ourselves and shape the child's wrong behavior, "Grashis said. In autumn, pedestrians are more likely to be involved in road accidents, since it gets dark earlier, people become less noticeable. According to Grashis, at such a time, the main rule of road safety is a reflector or reflective vest, a spotlight or a flashlight in hand. "It gets dark early, dawn late, so we need to think about safety on the road. In the dark, we have to wear a reflector or reflective vest, take care of each other. Adults and the elderly often make the mistake of thinking about reflectors for children, but do not care about ourselves , therefore they remain invisible to the driver. It is important to understand the responsibility of all road users - including pedestrians, "he stressed.

The reflector should always be in the pocket of a jacket or coat so that it can be retrieved and secured in a conspicuous place as needed, Grashis said. It is dangerous to go home without a reflector at night.

"In this case, you can borrow a reflector or flashlight from someone you met. If this is not possible, it is better to call a taxi and drive through dark places or return to places where the lighting is good to avoid unhappiness. I think a person should do their best. efforts to protect ourselves, "Grashis said.

An improperly attached reflector will not help

Drivers notice pedestrians faster with reflectors than without them. If the main beam is on, then the pedestrian, in this case, can be seen at 300 m, and the near one - at 150 m. If there are no reflectors on the clothes, then with the main beam, the driver will notice the pedestrian at 100 m, and the low beam - at 50 m.

LDP Senior Specialist Aushra Banite said it was important to wear reflectors at the correct height and in the right place.

"We must remember that outside the city it is necessary to place the reflector on the right side. If this is a reflective strip, put it on your right hand, just above the wrist, or on your right leg, below the knee. If this is a reflector on a chain, then it must be fixed on clothes like this so that it is at the level of an adult's knees. However, residents often attach such reflectors to their bags. Such reflectors must hang freely, then they will enter the headlights, "Banite said.

Such a reflector mustn't be pinched or hidden in the folds - it should be placed in a visible place. Usually, one reflector is sufficient, but it is easier for drivers to spot a pedestrian if there are reflectors on both sides.

"As far as reflectors are concerned, we can say that the rule applies here - more is better than less. Therefore, if there are several reflectors, they should be put on both hands. The reflector on a bag or backpack does not hurt," Banite said.

She noticed that now the police are meeting fewer people without reflectors. Banite said that if a person walking along the road in the dark does not have a reflector, he can use a mobile phone flashlight, searchlight, or bright vest to illuminate. This information has been prepared in cooperation with the Lithuanian Highway Directorate.

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