Contrary to appearances, the car is not only used to transport people or packages. In the car, we should also have things that in various cases will enable further driving, and also help you reach your destination without complications. They may seem more or less necessary, but each of these items finds its use in travels.
Equipment that is worth having in the event of a car breakdown
Every reasonable owner of a car knows how important it is to properly use the vehicle and regularly check the condition of the fluids, battery, or tire pressure. Preparing the car before going on the road is one thing, it is also important to have adequate supplies in the event of unforeseen or previously neglected faults. Cases like a flat tire, a flat battery, or dangerously low gasoline or oil level are not extraordinary accidents, but many drivers panic when faced with one of these situations.
For the journey to go smoothly and we do not have to worry that we will not cope if there are complications, we just need to stock up on a few things. This includes
wheel wrench,
spare wheel,
at least a small canister of oil (especially if you are unsure about its sufficient quantity),
small gasoline canister,
fuses (you never know when any will refuse to obey),
rectifier and jumper cables,
set of basic socket wrenches,
tow rope.
Of course, a triangle and a reflective vest are also necessary, which are a must, ensuring safety when working in an emergency. They will allow us to properly mark the place, for example, when we have to stop the car on the roadside to replace the wheel. In turn, spare gasoline can be extremely useful when we go on a long journey and we are afraid that we will not be able to reach the nearest station.
An oil supply in the trunk will come in handy when you suspect that the oil level is low and you do not have time to change it. When all else fails, a towing rope may come in handy, which, with the help of another vehicle, will enable you to finally get out of a forced stop.