Favara, yes to bicycles but safely

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 22. 5. 2020 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 536×
Reflective Vest

In Favara last year everyone walked on foot, taken by the fashion of long healthy walks through the streets of the city.

This year, however, it is the bicycle that has caught the attention of the people of Favara.

The fans of the two wheels in large groups begin to circulate freely throughout the city. The streets of Favara thus become long cycle paths.

But be careful. In any case, it is important to have signaling devices, such as a spotlight, a reflective vest, and everything you need to indicate your position.

The two-wheeled vehicles in fact in the evening hours are not easily distinguishable and this new trend risks becoming even more dangerous than it is due to the absence of cycle paths in the city.

It is also important to avoid gatherings and that parents accompany their children on long rides.

We talked about this new trend with the councilor Giuseppe Bennica during the TG of 13:50 on Sicily TV on Tuesday 12 May.

Bennica, in addition to giving some advice, has anticipated some new initiatives of the Municipality of Favara.

An area has been identified that includes all via Cicero and Di Francisca (the road that connects the Municipal Stadium with the ML King high school) which will become a pedestrian area on weekends.

The area will probably be reserved as of this Saturday, May 16, from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm and for the whole day on Sunday.

The initiative should then extend to the following weeks.

Below is the video with the intervention of the councilor Bennica, guest of our TG.

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