French Government Regulates Use of Electric Step-Scooters by Applying Legislation

Napsal (») 29. 7. 2019 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 349×
reflective vest

From next September onwards, a new regulation will come into force in France which applies to the use of electric step-scooters. As the number of operators of scooter sharing systems is multiplying as well as their users and at the same time accidents, the French government decided to introduce legislation to regulate their use in urban traffic.

It's considered to be a big step forward that the French Government is implementing legislation on electric step-scooters. In particular, as it is deemed necessary for their integration into city traffic. The decision to implement this legislation is taken in the context of the "Law of Orientation on Mobilities" who Elisabeth Borne, the French Transport Minister, presented last month.

Profound changes coming

What the new legislation results are that electric personal mobility devices are to undergo a profound change in the coming months. "This is a major first step making step-scooters an integral part of urban mobility," said Fabrice Furlan who is President of the Professional Federation of Micro-Mobility, FP2M as well brand -director at Decathlon International for Oxelo which is the company's step -scooter label.

Category with its own rights

What the new legislation determines is that micro-mobility devices like electric step-scooters are integrated into traffic laws as a category similar to electric bicycles. From next September onwards users will face a speed limit of 25 km/h. However, some members of the French "Assemblée Nationale" regarded that speed too high. They've asked for 20 km / h and they've been heard. Like in Germany, driving on the sidewalks will be prohibited with offenders to be fined 135 euro. Furthermore, the new law stipulates that electric step-scooters are to be used on bike paths and city roads that have speed limits up to 50 km / h.

Compulsory helmet-use

What's also included in the new French regulation for electric step-scooters is that they are prohibited to children under the age of 12 And that helmet use is compulsory. Equipment-wise the French Government stipulates the fitting of lights, reflection, a horn as well as brakes. Furthermore, all users will have to wear a retro-reflective vest at poor visibility conditions.

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