From April 15, the new Traffic Rules - the media, come into force

Napsal (») 10. 9. 2019 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 423×
reflective vest

A new version of the Traffic Rules comes into force on April 15. The document adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers provides for many innovations.

According to Kommersant - Ukraine, on February 11, at a closed meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, a new version of the Traffic Rules was adopted. The document will come into force on April 15 and will bring many innovations. "We have substantially specified some of the provisions of the DA and introduced new definitions. All the changes have been made in the light of international experience and are aimed at preventing traffic safety," said Sergei Budnik, Head of the Center for Traffic Safety and Automated Systems at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. So, according to new DA, in the dark is "part of the day from sunset to sunrise." It was previously determined that this is the period from the end of the evening dusk (30 minutes after sunset) to the beginning of the morning dusk (30 minutes before sunrise). Also, under the new rules, road signs take precedence over road markings. "Earlier road signs often contradicted the markup," said traffic law expert, partner of OKP law firm Anton Kravchenko, who was involved in the development of the amendments. above the roadshows that you can only move straight. It was unclear what the driver should be guided to. The priority will now be fixed by a permanent sign. " The new version stipulates that from October 1 to May 1, all vehicles outside the settlements must ride with running lights or dipped-beam headlamps. This, according to the authors of the changes, will improve the response of drivers to changing road conditions.

The rule that the overtaking of vehicles are only allowed on the left is excluded from traffic regulations. "This paragraph contradicted the concept of overtaking, which in itself implies exit to the lane, which is located only to the left in the course of the car movement. in GAI, noting that this amendment does not mean permission to overtake on the right side of the road. According to the newspaper, from the final version of the new version of the DA was excluded the provision of the need for drivers when on the highway at night to wear a reflective vest. The rules also do not clearly state the need to change tires with the start of the new season. It is only noted that in the case of continuous operation of the vehicle on roads with a slippery roadway, "it is recommended to use tires corresponding to the condition of the roadway". "In developing this provision, we have taken into account international experience. Abroad, tire changes are not tied to the time of year or specific dates. According to the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Road control" Oleksiy Kiriyenko, the approved changes "make a double impression". "It is necessary to include a dipped beam outside the city. This practice is effective in Europe and is generally effective," he said. "At the same time, the situation with road signs and marking is unclear. which, for example, hangs a restraining sign and the markup allows for movement straight or turning."

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