Handed out 345 reflective vests

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 16. 12. 2015 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 671×

Construction Market Loosen shared Wednesday out reflective vests to a value of 30,000 to two schools.

It is dark and black in Loosen currently and police have repeatedly urged people to use flare.

Urges strongly people to use reflex!

CEO Mortem Amundsen at Construction Market Loosen in Storeidøya said they had set aside an amount to marketing efforts until Christmas, and decided to spend the money on reflective vests.

Idea and we lit on. We who work at Construction Market Loosen have kids at school and Balls tad File school. We decided to equip all students and staff at the two schools with reflective vest with reflective tapes, says Amundsen.

How big cost is this for you?

It is around 30,000 crowns. Marketing the gain can obviously debatable, but we can at this avoid an accident then this is well worth the money, says Amundsen.

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Wednesday he was out on refleksvesttur and handed out 345 vests. There he was welcomed by headmaster Knell Amundsen, Professor Ulf Sivertsen and students Huda and Marcus.

This is an awesome gift and we will start distribution vests in the morning. We encourage everyone to use highly reflective vests. When we are on tour so we always use vests, says headmaster who promise that they also adults to use lifejackets.

Sixth graders Marcus and Huda also thought it was great with reflective vests and promised that they would use the vests.

Some Think it's cheesy to use vests, but it seems not. It is very important that those who drive car watching us when we go on the road, they say.

Is that really stupid not to use reflective clothing?

Yeah, it comes from coherent Thurs the 6th graders who along with the other File and Balls tad.

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