How to act in case of an accident - rules, mistakes

Napsal (») 30. 3. 2021 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 828×

Any road traffic accident is a great stress for its participants. But this is just the case when you need to approach everything with a cool head. First, common mistakes can be avoided with sane minds. Secondly, it is possible to protect yourself at the scene of an accident only with complete concentration. In the Rules of the Road, the algorithm of actions of a motorist in the event of an accident is built very simply. Despite this, many drivers still make mistakes, for which they are then responsible not only with fines but also with health.

To begin with, it is useful to know that not every car incident can be considered a traffic accident. There are 2 signs of such a definition - it must occur while the vehicle is moving on the road and, as a result, the damage must be caused - to cars, people, cargo, or surrounding objects. If suddenly two cars get used to each other and one has a mirror, it will not be considered an accident. If the driver damaged the vehicle while maneuvering in his garage, this also does not apply to the definition.

But if all the signs of a traffic accident are present, the driver is required to comply with the requirements. The first step is to immediately stop the vehicle, turn on the hazard warning lights and put up an emergency stop sign. The latter should be placed 15 meters from the car in the city and 30 meters outside. After that, there are 2 possible scenarios for the development of events - it depends on the consequences of the accident.

Victims. If there are people in an accident who have been injured, you need to immediately provide first aid and call an ambulance with the police. Do not be afraid and refuse to assist a wounded person, as this may even turn into a criminal liability. If the victim dies before the ambulance arrives, the person responsible for the accident will hardly be able to avoid prison. If for objective reasons, there is no place to wait for help shortly, you need to send the victim to the hospital. To do this, you can use a passing vehicle.

If, as a result of an accident, the carriageway was completely blocked, you should try to free at least one lane. First, you need to take a photo or video of the details of the accident scene to facilitate further proceedings. After the car ceases to be an obstacle on the road, you can step aside and wait for the arrival of the traffic police. In the dark and poor visibility conditions, put on a reflective vest immediately after leaving the vehicle.

No casualties. If no one was hurt in the accident, the events will be easier to develop. The first step is to remove vehicles from the roadway, if possible. In this case, all lanes on the road should remain free. But even here it is necessary to pre-fix the location of the cars. Many believe that in an emergency, such as an accident, the parties can stand in the middle of the road for an infinitely long time and deal with each other. You need to take photos or videos as quickly as possible. Otherwise, traffic police officers will issue a fine of 1000 rubles for failure to fulfill obligations in an accident.

The easiest way to resolve the conflict is to draw up a European protocol. It must be applied if only 2 vehicles have suffered, the drivers have OSAGO policies and there are no disagreements between them. In this case, the limit for damages is limited to 100,000 rubles. If this outcome does not work, there is only one solution - to call the traffic police and tell them all the details after arrival.

Bottom line. Accidents are stressful for any driver on the road. There is a certain list of requirements for people who find themselves in such a situation.

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