Hunters will have to wear reflective elements and send the pigs tails of wild pigs

Napsal (») 13. 12. 2019 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 340×
Reflective Vest

Hunters will have to draw up a hunting plan, the fulfillment of which they will demonstrate by sending tails of feral pigs to the veterinarians. Failure to do so will result in fines. At the same time, they will have to wear reflective material elements for mass hunting. The Ministry of Agriculture has prepared an amendment that is also to reduce the claims.

Hunters are waiting for new duties. They will have to add safety reflective elements to the green camisole, also to prove the number of animals caught, for example by sending wild boar tails to veterinarians. At the same time, however, under the new law, hunters should be easier to obtain permits for hunting animals that are not desirable in Czech nature.

At the Ministry of Agriculture of Marian Jurečka, an amendment to the Hunting Act has been created, to which other ministers will now comment. If it passes smoothly through the House, the changes will take effect early next year.

In addition to camisole hunters in the future, when hunting joint boar or deer also put reflective elements to better recognize and hurt each other. "In the original proposal, we considered introducing something that the law already knows. For example, a mandatory reflective vest, as in the case of means of transport. However, the internal discussion did not pass the proposal," agriculture.

Thus, hunters will be required to wear tape or any piece of clothing that reflects light and provides far greater visibility than hunting green hunting clothing. "Today it is common to produce double-sided jackets that have bright orange on one side and classic green or brown color on the other side," the minister said.

However, the main problem that ministers are trying to solve by amending the law is the overgrowth of wildlife. According to experts, in the Czech landscape, there is a surplus, especially of feral pigs, deer and sika deer. And animals harm farmers or foresters.

"The amendment should try to balance the interest of the state to have animals and, on the other hand, to respect those to whom the animals are harmful," explains Martin Zizka.

According to the ministry, damages from wild pigs go to billions of crowns per year. However, the ministry does not monitor how many farmers claim to be hunters.

According to the authors of the law, the decrease in the number of wildlife is to ensure mainly the game management plan. If hunters catch more than five pieces of one species in one year, they will have to develop a hunting plan for the next year. "If it is set up correctly and is fulfilled, then everything is done to reduce the game," explains Zizka. It is now also approved by officials.

And to prove that the hunters have caught the necessary number of pieces, together with a sample of meat for the examination of trichina will send to the veterinarians and tails of wild pigs, the so-called feathers. Other species will depend on the agreement between hunters and owners of hunting grounds, Germany could be, for example, the lower jaw. And if hunters do not meet the hunting plan, they will face a fine of up to CZK 200,000.

At the same time, Jureček's ministry wants to relax as much as possible the rules for hunting undesirable animals - for example, the North American mink. "We think that anyone who gets a hunting permit should be able to hunt this kind of animal," Zizka adds. Today, only hunting farmers or members of the hunting guards can kill such animals. On the other hand, the new law would allow all hunters hunting game in the area to be able to enter mink fishing permits.

And the changes will also affect farmers. For example, they will not be able to claim damages caused by the game if they have more than 30 hectares of a single crop in which roe deer or pigs can hide. They will have to add at least a 12-meter wide strip with low crops to facilitate hunting.

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