Is it mandatory to wear reflectors on a bicycle?

Napsal (») 11. 3. 2021 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 341×

The use of other types of mobility in the city has exploded in recent years: the car, less and less used, and public transport, are joined by different alternatives, among which we can find both electric scooters, which have burst with force in recent times, like bicycles, a classic of large cities that is being used more and more.

It is evident that the use of the bicycle in the city involves certain risks, hence, for example, the use of a helmet is mandatory at all times. However, not everyone is clear about the use of reflectors, since some think that if you use the bicycle during the day they are not necessary, others think that it is never necessary and another percentage of users are convinced that their use is mandatory at all times. What is the "good" answer?

It may interest you: Don't you wear a reflective vest in the car? Watch out for fines

Nobody wants to find an unexpected breakdown when driving our car, but sometimes we have to act quickly to resolve an unpleasant situation. For this, we have numerous tools at our fingertips: from position lights, hazard lights, or reflective triangles, without forgetting, of course, the reflective vests.

It seems that, however, not a few road users decide to 'pass' the vest in an emergency, an action that poses a clear danger both for them and for other road users. That is where the DGT comes in, which has decided to end this attitude based on sanctions, announcing a tightening in the control of these actions.

In traffic regulations, it is well specified that pedestrians who have to get off a damaged vehicle must do so with the reflective vest already on. For example, the 135 pedestrians who died last year from being hit by a car, 44 more than in 2017, of which the majority in accidents on second-order roads. The penalty for not using the reflective vest amounts to 200 euros.

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