Kannonji City becomes a childcare facility

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 14. 10. 2019 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 356×
reflective vest

In May in Otsu City, nursery school children on a walk involved in a car crash. Kanonji City, Kagawa Prefecture, made the best of the fluorescent colors reflective vests for childcare workers when they walked, present to 22 childcare facilities in the city. In cooperation with the prefectural police, we are also trying to improve the walking route by improving the road prospects.

The best production is 220. The aim is to prevent accidents during walks by reflecting on the light and making childcare workers stand out. On the 18th, there was a delivery ceremony at the city hall, and Mayor Seiji Shirakawa handed the best to Yuki Tomoe (37), a director of Kureyon-certified children's school in the city. President Tomoeda was grateful that he would like to continue to contact the children with a sense of crisis management.

From May, the city will check the walking route for kindergarten children in cooperation with Kannonji Station. Of these, safety measures were taken on the pedestrian crossing in front of the city Onohara nursery school.

Previously, the pedestrian crossing was planted instead of a sidewalk. In cities, the positions of the pedestrian crossings were shifted so that the sidewalks were connected, and the plants that were 1.5 meters high were trimmed and lowered to about half so that the children on the sidewalks could be seen from the car. Mr. Shigeru Honda, the station chief, said, "The roads are not enough to prevent accidents. Drivers should look carefully ahead."

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