Pedestrians obliged to wear reflective vests

Napsal (») 25. 6. 2015 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 733×

The amendment to the Act, the Ministry of Transport will affect pedestrians, whose security is on the road, especially at night, constantly threatened. It cannot be said, however, that after all they just cars. Sometimes it is because of dark clothing pedestrians become virtually invisible, which should solve the obligation to wear reflective vests or belts.

According to information from the server However, there is no need to worry that we would have in reflective vests to walk steadily. A similar proposal had already been on the table once and for citizens met with a wave of indignation.

According to traffic police Chief Thomas Larch should be enough to satisfy the requirement to have a walker on his right hand clearly visible reflective tape. His duty while wearing should apply only in areas not illuminated by streetlights, which greatly simplifies the situation. It should be noted that more than half last year's fatal accidents involving pedestrians occurred in the night.

The amendment to the Act, which is currently being prepared by the Ministry of Transport in cooperation with the police who wear reflective uniform, should enter into effect this autumn. Now the situation is one of the riskiest times of year.

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