Pedestrians should wearing reflective vest to protect themselves

Napsal (») 12. 5. 2015 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 1032×

Dark and alcohol all played a role in the accident, which happened on Saturday at about half past ten in the evening between Milo vice and Hare. The driver of a car already missed respond to dilapidation pedestrians who do not in reflective vest, moving close to the middle of the road. Clash took twenty-eight injured men, whose extent cannot yet be clarified.

The driver panicked after the accident and went to a restaurant in nearby Advice where police found him soon. "When the breath test has blown 0.24 per mile," she said on Monday police spokesman Tamil Saratov.
Twenty-nine male police officers in reflective coatwith reflective tape confessed to the accident. He claimed that alcohol is ingested after the accident. "When the drinking occurred, shows an analysis of collected blood. We are waiting on the outcome, "spokeswoman did not want to make premature conclusions

Walker who do not wear reflective fabriccloth, ended up in hospital. "In the game, however, remains whether the driver will not confess to the crime of failure to provide assistance," mentioned Saratov.

Now alcohol strengthening pedestrians and cyclists on the roads with the advent of warm days in eastern Moravia become a nightmare for drivers. Only last year were caused by pedestrians in the region "under the influence" of three cyclists and even 24 accidents. "It's a problem. I myself was a witness to the fact that we almost collided pedestrian who do not wear the safety vest with reflective ribbon was walking along the road at night and in the dark. I therefore welcome when policemen handing out at events reflective tape, "said Maker Sass of Great Pavilion.

According Saratov not the main issue is not the number of such incidents, as their tragic consequences. Clashes with "Misgovern" adventurous the road is often ends in serious injury or death. "A typical example is unlit road between Led nice and Valiance. Significantly help any reflective element," she is night walkers who wear the reflective vestfrom basements and pubs police spokesman.

For cyclists, then bad light bicycles, "said Mach. And it confirmed that the most serious accidents of pedestrians and cyclists usually have alcohol related.

It also remains a problem at the wheel, which was confirmed on Monday morning accident at Nabokov. The driver of Kodak For man, who not in reflective vest was arriving from Brno, mishandled control and drove into the opposite, where he clashed with Kodak Felicia. Measurement of alcohol showed that departmentalization man behind the wheel for man drove three percent.

After the accident, both drivers had to be rushed to hospital. "According to initial information would fortunately not be a serious injury," informed on Monday, a police spokesman in reflective vest Saratov. And she continued. "The roads remained impassable after the accident, colleagues drove shuttling operation," he explained. Road were fully premonition only after towing two cars. The resulting damage is around sixty thousand.

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