Petrol in reflective vests to against crime

Napsal (») 4. 7. 2015 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 789×

"You can walk, remember to be seen with reflective tape, but why do you want with me pepper spray and baton?" Teresa objected from the organization People in Need. On presentation patrols came, as emphasized for it.

 "They are batons, but the telescopic rods," argued Peter, who says he founded the militia after the two women in the park beaten his daughter (on preparations militia read here).

All in reflective vests with the words stop crime, racism and disorder. They have weapons supposedly to defend against criminals.

"We learn about deviant before school. We can restrict personal freedom until the arrival of the police," says Kubaczka, expressing that he does not deny that it had been a policeman 19 years. Diorama then repeatedly submitted that if it someone raped in the park, would welcome any assistance regardless of whether they were from the police or patrols.

Other critics argued that his guards remind the German party of 30 years. "We're not like the National Guard in Hungary. We want the police with reflective uniform to assist and cooperate with it," responded Kuban. Both sides then accused each other of lies and intimidation. Eventually, however, all the rest dispersed.

Start patrols all too reminiscent of theater

Special was already the beginning of evening events. Clothing with the reflective words stop crime is important. Members of the patrol did not hide that he wants the media to highlight that there were more then. And from what I looked. "Come with me, now slowly go again here," sounded notes of private television cameraman. A patrol willingly obeyed.

"We want to show that we are not radicals. It does not define it against somebody, but something. Against Violence and crime," he told Kuban.

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