While the number of cyclists would have increased with the health crisis, altercations between cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists are increasing ... against a background of ignorance of the Highway Code.
If there is a cycle path, are cyclists obliged to take it?
Yes, but… A cycle path (or a cycle lane) is only compulsory if the round blue sign with a bicycle is present. And mopeds are only allowed on cycle paths if a sign indicates it. The rest of the time, the cyclist can move on the road like other vehicles, positioning himself to the right of the road, except when cars are parked to his right: he can then ride in the middle of the road to protect himself from untimely door openings!
Are cyclists allowed to ride in the opposite direction?
It depends… Cyclists have the right to go against the flow in two cases: in pedestrian-bicycle "meeting areas" and an area limited to 30 km / h if there is a sign "except cyclist" in one direction not allowed. Local authorities are also required to affix this sign in all one-way streets limited to 30 km / h (except in very specific cases to be justified by the municipality).
Are cyclists allowed to ride on sidewalks?
No in town. It is forbidden in the city… unless the cyclist is under 8 years old! Otherwise, to go on a sidewalk or cross a pedestrian crossing, you have to walk next to your bike. The same in pedestrian zones, the pedestrian remains their priority. So ride at a walk (at least at less than 20 km / h) and get off your bike when the flow of pedestrians is too high.
Outside the built-up area, unless otherwise indicated which is sometimes marked by a "greenway" sign, adults are prohibited from driving on sidewalks except along paved roads or roads in repair.
Can cyclists take a red light?
Yes sometimes. Overall, as for other users, the rules of the highway code apply to bicycles traveling on the road or a cycle lane: non-crossing of white lines, speed limits, priority on the right, give way, or traffic lights. But to improve fluidity when changing direction, some lights are fitted to allow cyclists to turn right or continue straight ahead, while the light for other users is red. The sign indicating it is a red triangle with a yellow bicycle and an arrow.
Are they allowed to ride side by side?
Yes. As long as the passage in the opposite direction remains possible, it is authorized to drive two abreast, but you must stand in single file when a car arrives from the rear.
Do they have the right to go back up the line of cars (and on which side)?
Yes. The cyclist has the right to pass a car that is moving slowly or which is stationary, but only in the left lane to remain visible to the cars. The cyclist is not allowed to overtake on the right. Bike SAS, sometimes present at intersections, allow cyclists to position themselves at the front of the line and be more visible to motorists to start before them.
Are cyclists required to wear a reflective vest?
Yes. They must wear a retro-reflective vest when traveling outside built-up areas, at night, or if visibility is insufficient. This also applies to its passengers. As there is compulsory equipment for cars, there is also for bicycles: two brakes, front and rear a yellow or white front light and a red rear light, reflectors (reflecting device) of red color at the rear, white at the front and orange on the sides and the pedals and an audible warning device, the sound of which can be heard at least 50 meters away. Finally, the helmet is compulsory for children under 12.
Can a cyclist who infringes the Highway Code have his permit points withdrawn?
No. The judge can sanction the suspension of a cyclist's driving license for an offense, such as crossing a red light or driving under the influence of alcohol. As this introduces a difference of treatment between those who have the license and the others, the judge cannot suspend the license to a cyclist.