Jobson support the so-called challenge today express bus drivers across the country. Politicians Saying: We have enough competition at the low price; we do not like conditions in public transport. Terms of contracts is leading to low wages drivers.
Dozens of drivers in the Liberec region sat down today to call for their buses in a reflective vest. Politicians thus sati we have enough competition at the low price; we do not like conditions in public transport.
The orange and yellow vests rode today on the roads, most bus drivers from bus line. The local trade unionists in late September announced a strike alert and called for the fight against dumping prices in public transport and low wages drivers. If the problem does not begin within a month to act are ready to go on strike.
At the same time today, trade unionists brought to the Ministry of Transport Materials for the tender for bus services in the Hradec Kralove Region with a request to make the tenders were more taken into account other parameters, not just the lowest price. "In all those of fascicles nothing about the chauffeur," said the chairman of basic trade union bus line George kitchenette. According to him, today's protest orange safety vests supported the 4000 chauffeurs from across the country.
Unions protest in accordance with kitchenettes pushing for the creation of a working group in cooperation with the regions and the government to develop a uniform methodology by which would then list each regional competition for public bus transport. The tenders would be one of the key conditions of compliance with the minimum wage for drivers. The ministry submitted, inter alia, call to the tenders was taken into account several parameters other than low price.
This corresponds to 100 crowns per hour. Maybe bus drivers taken by The kitchens now 72 crowns per hour, while a monthly earn about 22 000 to 23 000 Crowns gross, but only at the cost of tens of hours of overtime.
According to the survey, ČTK wages for drivers in most transport companies in the Czech Republic under the average wage. The unions demand a revision of contracts, where the sole criterion of the lowest price and the urging dialogue at the level of the union, regional authorities and company management.
I can now choose the region by criteria other than price, Transport Ministry spokesman Tomas. An adjustment methodology tenders, the ministry will be representatives of trade unions to discuss further. But he also said that it is the Ministry of Transport, who sets specific tenders for the operation of its bus lines, but the region.
In addition to the Ministry of Transport unions intend to reach out and Regional Development Ministry, which is in charge of the tender, adding a kitchen. Eyesore drivers in yellow vest are particularly tender for public bus transport, which in September announced the Hradec Kralove region.
"But nowhere do not talk about how many people have driver minimum wage. There was the fact that we wages for some 120 crowns, which I think is outrageous. Ceiling someone that you can earn just enough, but not to think about that cannot go home for beggars cane, it seems to me from councilors from the Hradec Kralove region as very arrogant, "he added.