Reflective vest in the day is to criterion according to climatic condition

Napsal (») 22. 7. 2019 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 321×
reflective vest,reflective materials

"Carabineros has arguments," Gloria Hutt remarked after the arrest of a cyclist for not wearing a reflective vest during the day.

The Minister of Transport, Gloria Hutt, supported the actions of Carabineros in the face of the latest controversies over allegedly unjustified inspections of cyclists in the framework of the new Road Coexistence Law.

"I want to fully support the management of Carabineros." Carabineros has arguments and all those who receive a violation of any kind have the opportunity, if we have arguments in our defense, to present them to the local police judge," the secretary of state said.

This after this Wednesday it was released a case of a young university student who was fined by Carabineros for not wearing a reflective vest, being that according to the current regulation, this element should be used half an hour after sunset.

"These items (reflective materials) are not loose and aim to make more visible vehicles that are more fragile, establishes certain conditions of hours in which it becomes mandatory, but also leaves to criterion, according to the climatic conditions and conditions of context," said Hutt.

Given this, specialists point out that the responsibility of the authorities is through road education for the population. "One of two: either freeze the audit until there is clarity or we simply make the authorities make a public clarification of how we are going to solve these ambiguity problems," explained the engineer in transit, Jaime Bravo.

Also, he said that these measures "are not new norms, a vest has been asked for a long time, the lights on the bicycle have been asking for a long time".

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