Several hundred parents at Disen, Grefsen, and Kjelsås were today wearing reflective vests with a clear 30-zone symbol on their backs, during this year's reflective vest.
For this year's reflective vest campaign, Sporveien has printed up 320 reflective vests with reflective materials in adult size. All this year's first grades at Disen, Kjelsås and Grefsen schools are given a reflective vest at home, to give to their parents.
"We want all parents who follow the children to the schools to use the vest, to remind motorists that there are school children here. The back of the reflective vest is marked by a clear 30-zone sign," says Sven Øvergaard from Sporveien in a press release.
This means that people in the Grefsen and Kjelsås area will see hundreds of "walking 30-zone signs" every morning. The goal is that the vests have a stopping effect on motorists.
The attitudes of motorists matter most
"The biggest risk is the speed of some motorists. The most important factor in good traffic safety is undoubtedly the attitudes of the drivers, not the number of speed bumps. Too little attention is paid to the fact that young children walk along the roads. Unfortunately, the chance of being fined on small roads is also small," says Øvergaard.
In Lettvintveien, for example, Sporveien received several concerns about the speed of some motorists. A traffic measurement where a motorist recorded 71 km / h in the 40 zones. Two-speed pumps and a 30-zone were established here, but there are still reports of drivers driving too fast.
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Demanding traffic situation
Residents in the Disen, Grefsen, and Kjelsås area have experienced a very demanding traffic situation for almost one year due to construction work in Grefsenveien. After the exit from Grefsenveien to Storokrysset was closed last year, several thousand motorists have had to choose other bypass routes.
It is extremely demanding that the remaining exit roads are not suitable for handling such a significant increase in traffic. Several of the roads in the area are narrow and unobstructed, pavements are lacking in several places and the area is characterized by a lot of street parking.
"The change in traffic has resulted in significantly more car traffic on these roads where many school children are traveling," says Sven Øvergaard.
To better protect pedestrians, Sporveien and the City Environment Agency have implemented several measures:
A large number of parking spaces have been removed
Some dangerous intersections have been rectified
Temporary speed humps have been established
So-called see me signs have been set up to make any pedestrian area more visible
Traffic guards follow the construction traffic and help the children across the road
"The projects have tried to find a balance between accessibility and traffic safety. Pedestrians must be able to travel safely, while motorists must arrive," says Øvergaard.