Road transport: the European Parliament urges Brussels to move up a gear

Napsal (») 27. 9. 2018 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 457×

As part of its resolution of 18 May 2017, the European Parliament gave its opinion on road transport in the EU. It urges the Commission to take action to improve this sector, particularly as it faces a growing number of regulatory obstacles. Review of the main actions to be deployed.

Through four areas of action (competitiveness, mobility, safety and the environment), the European Parliament calls on the Commission to amend its legislation to improve the road transport sector.


According to Parliament, the competitiveness of the sector must first and foremost involve the development of European road infrastructures and must be accompanied by a technological modernization of vehicles (alternative fuel, interoperability of systems and modes of transport). Harmonization in the transport of goods and passengers (electronic tolls, use of digital technology) is also needed.

Cross-border mobility

The Parliament endorses the cooperation with "euro control route" and TISPOL and encourages the Commission to initiate infringement proceedings against laws and market distortion measures.

To this end, it recommends that the Member States strengthen controls and in Brussels harmonize the rules in force for mandatory safety equipment VL and PL (warning triangles, reflective vest, spare lamp, breathalyzer).

Social conditions and security

Priorities in this area include "urgently addressing drivers' fatigue problems" (respect of rest periods, improvement of equipment made available) and clarifying the application of the provision on posting of workers and cabotage.

With this in mind, Parliament proposes delimiting, for example, low-emission areas in several Member States or using alternative fuels such as compressed or liquefied natural gas and second-generation biofuels.

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