Rouen is launching a preventive operation to cyclists

Napsal (») 11. 12. 2014 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 1064×

Ongoing prevention campaign with a municipal police strengthens its controls of cyclists until the end of the month.

An unfortunate PV was issued last week to a cyclist who was riding at night without a reflective tape or any light on the rear wheel. This is the "booty" of the municipal police since last Wednesday before the crackdown, is mainly used to conduct a prevention campaign on the movement of bicycles in the city center. "We are acting at the request of the drivers of the RAFT" said Deputy Mayor Jean-Loup Gervaise. For it must be remembered, traffic of bicycles is prohibited on the roads Teor. "They are forcing drivers to brake. This prevents the vehicle to catch the light guide that allows the bus to park flush docks.

No one has ever been fined for this offense even if it is an endangerment for users of public transport, elderly or disabled.

It turns out that control the movement of bicycles, the point is clear: "The lighting defect is quite common in the city.

No hi vis jacket or reflective vest?

The amount of PV is 11 € but it tells you, in this regard, the City focuses on prevention with the argument that the months of November and December, those where the days are shorter, are also the most dangerous for cyclists. The chapter, Jean-Loup Gervaise hands over to his colleague in charge of soft transport, Céline Millet.

She is preparing to go on a campaign to educate all users sharing the road with cyclists but also the need to be seen. "Via the News magazine Rouen Mag, the website of the City, we start in 2015 on a prevention campaign could be coupled with Crea," said Deputy Mayor.

A prevention plan is to encourage cycling more and more in the city to equip their lighting bike, if not to wear clothing with reflective fabric or even jacket if it is not mandatory.

A "bike Sunday" day to promote cycling in the city, organized next spring, will also be devoted to the issue. Before that, the elected asked "sir" to ensure that its bikes are also checked regularly while Sabine association dedicated to the use of the city by bike relays awareness campaign to lighting.

- A yellow or white front light and a red rear light.

- A horn.

- The reflectors (retro-reflectors), red at the rear, white in front, orange on the sides and on the pedals.

- Retro-reflective safety vest certified for any cyclist (and passenger) flowing out of towns, when visibility is poor.

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