The Cabildo is committed to promoting the use of bicycles among schoolchildren

Napsal (») 15. 10. 2018 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 387×

The objective is to raise awareness and inform the public to promote the use of bicycles in urban and semi-urban environments. "With these words, Maria del Cristo, Sports Minister of the Cabildo de Tenerife, presented the Guide for users of bicycles, an initiative that will contemplate the diffusion of 10,000 leaflets that will be distributed among the population of the island, and that includes a campaign of diffusion among students of 5th and 6th grade of the different school centers to promote the use of the vehicle.

Perez especially praised "the transversal work" carried out among the different administrations and entities such as the Insular and Canary Cycling federations to carry out a project "that aims to improve the training of young people of the Island and encourage healthy living habits among the population. "

The guide, next week

The guide, which will begin to be distributed starting next week, refers to the different security elements (helmet, lighting systems, bell, the reflective vest?) Essential to the user of the bicycle, as well as traffic regulations, tips of maintenance and indications on signaling maneuvers. Pablo Calve, Provincial Traffic Chief of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, said that "it is a complete guide, aimed at anyone who uses the bicycle every day, and with some simple recommendations that all road users must comply with. Avoid accidents ", defending its use as" an economic, clean and healthy transport "and inviting parents to" promote their use in a responsible manner ".

The publication of the guide is complemented by the visits that agents and entities linked to the world of cycling, such as clubs, schools, and collectives, will make to schools during school hours and in which the advantages and norms of behavior will be emphasized. The cyclists. In addition, and in coordination with the General Directorate of Traffic, various activities will be carried out with road safety education circuits.

Ofelia Manson, insular director of Roads, highlighted the work done by the Cabildo in promoting the use of bicycles, detailing that 1.9 million Euros had been allocated for the program to improve bicycle routes in several points of the island, In addition, "a road education program aimed at children, whose objective is to teach the youngest of the house to respect traffic regulations, as pedestrians and as future drivers, continues to be developed."

On the other hand, the presidents of the Insular Federation, Juan Marrero, and Canarias Federation, Ramón Sierra, expressed their confidence that "the guide reaches all corners of the island, through the work of cycling schools and schools " Marrero defined the guide as "short and accurate to improve the world of cycling and safety on the roads," while Sierra stressed the importance of "starting awareness by the base, by education and children."

Within this line of action, the Insular Corporation is committed to developing a Master Plan to encourage the development of the use of bicycles and to appoint a technician to review the projects that are going to be tendered and are bike friendly. In the same way, the area of roads that Ofelia Manson directs has been involved in promoting the use of the bicycle among its employees, acquiring two electric vehicles for displacement to other buildings.

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