The MP in the interpellation requests a reflective road sign.

Napsal (») 13. 3. 2020 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 331×
Reflective Vest

On the desk of the Minister of Infrastructure Andrzej Adamczyk, an interpellation of PiS MP Artur Szałabawka concerning safety at pedestrian crossings was received. The MP wants reflective signs. The problem is that it is already regulated by the regulation of ... 2003.

According to the portal, the MP came up with an idea of how to take care of pedestrian safety. He suggested to the ministry that the signs were reflective vests.

"The key is to use such materials on the information part of the signs: D-6 -" pedestrian crossing ", D-6A -" crossing for bicycles "and D-6B -" crossing for pedestrians and crossing for cyclists ", i.e. making them in technology reflective - the sign is shiny with the light reflected from its surface ”- he wrote and asked if the ministry would oblige road managers to assemble such signs.

Reflective foil on signs is already compulsory

Deputy Minister Rafał Weber took up the answer to the MP's interpellation. Concerned about safety, he referred to the regulation of 2003 "on detailed technical conditions for road signs and signals as well as road safety equipment and conditions for placing them on the road".

"In the case of signs D-6, D-6a, D-6b on roads of all classes, the use of reflective films type 2 shall apply. Also, it should be noted that the faces of signs D-6, D-6a, and D-6b can be made on the background of the film prismatic reflective fluorescent yellow-green or orange," he reminded, pointing out that in connection with existing regulations there is no need to introduce additional ones.

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