The basic security measures that every mushroom finder should know

Napsal (») 4. 6. 2020 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 554×
Reflective Vest

Like every fall, thousands of forest fans already have the basket ready to go out looking for mushrooms. In Catalonia, we enjoy a landscape rich in wild and humid areas where some of the most appreciated varieties grow. But also, like every fall, some of the mushroom pickers will have a scare and get lost in the woods. Last year, the Generalitat Bombers rescued 115 people lost or disoriented while searching for mushrooms.

The Bombers of the Generalitat have the competence of rescue and rescue in the natural environment in Catalonia, while also carrying out prevention tasks. In the case of mushroom pickers, adopting simple security measures can make the difference between a pleasant day in nature or a bad drink.

Do not go out when bad weather is expected, wear bright colors or wear a reflective vest, be well shod and wear warm clothes, bring water and some food, inform friends or family of the place where we will be and be aware of what our physical form allows us to do are basic precautions to follow to avoid problems.

Enjoy the mountain safely

Before leaving, check the weather forecast and find out about the area if you don't know it.

Bring adequate equipment, food, and water. Brightly colored clothing will make your location easier if you get lost.

Take maps and technological systems (phone, GPS, applications ...) that you know how to use well. He will be able to guide you if you get lost and call 112.

Do not go alone and always maintain visual or verbal contact with whoever is with you.

Take reference points to orient yourself: roads, ravines, the place where you left the car, etc.

Adapt the activity to your physical condition and age: avoid abrupt areas with risk of precipitation.

Now that the day is shorter, plan your turn to get to the starting point before dark. There would always have to be time for any unforeseen event.

Despite being an activity that concentrates the gaze on the ground, it is very important to take reference points in the environment; roads, ravines, or the place where the vehicle has been parked, among others. The clock should also be taken into account since in autumn the days are shortened and darkens earlier.

Furthermore, today most of us carry in our pockets a tool that can be very useful if we move away from the group or have lost sight of the reference points on the horizon that we must always keep in mind to guide ourselves. Smartphones, telephones with internet access, can be a fundamental help both to avoid getting lost and to provide information to the research teams if, indeed, we have lost ourselves without remedy. In this case, we must bear in mind that we can contact the only emergency telephone number, 112, even if we do not have coverage. If the call is made through the free application My112, it allows geolocating it, facilitating the search tasks of rescue teams.

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