The cyclist's survival guide in built-up areas

Napsal (») 15. 8. 2018 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 547×

The City of Paris is increasing investments to allow the bike to make a place in the travel habits of Parisians. A practice that is developing, but is still far from being a reflex. Here some tips to let you try the bike adventure. In Paris, and elsewhere...

On its website, the mayor of Paris does not hide its ambition: the goal is to make Paris a "world cycling capital by 2020" with 15% of trips made by bike. The road may still be long, but on the ground, new developments are emerging. Above all, the reality is not necessarily as dark as it may seem.

For Bertrand, editor of La Map, a newsletter on Parisian cycling news, it has many advantages. Benefits, behavior, materials, here are what you need to know to enjoy cycling in a big city.

What are the advantages of cycling for everyday trips?

What if cycling became tomorrow's public transit? We are not there yet, but its benefits are many. And not only because it is a means of ecological displacement. "Cycling is good for you. Since I started it, it's simple, I lost 15kg "admits Bertrand.

For him, it is also more profitable than the metro and without the risk of delays. "There is no accident. It's reliable. I know how long I have to go from point A to point B. "he continues. As an indication, 45 minutes are required for a crossing of the capital from east to west. And that, any day, at any time.

Cycling is a soft sport, much less traumatic than running. Going to work on his non-motorized two-wheeler is also an excellent decompression chamber in an already hectic daily life.

What precautions should you take to ride a bike in the city?

In terms of hardware, nothing is mandatory, but some accessories are essential. A helmet to protect your head is important because cycling can be dangerous. light, flashing preferably, and a reflective vest can be seen by other road users. A cyclist must be seen not to put himself in danger. Finally, gloves are also useful. "To fight against the cold, but especially to protect themselves in case of a fall," explains Bertrand.

In terms of behavior, you have to be very vigilant. "We have to be two steps ahead of anything that can happen, anticipate the behavior of motorists, pedestrians, scooters and other cyclists." To be attentive to all these indicators, you must open your eyes and listen. It is therefore recommended to ban headphones to be fully aware of the environment in which we evolve.

To hope to be respected. Every cyclist must respect the other users as well as the rules of the road. This is the condition sine qua non for the sharing of the road is going well. If you can, opt for bike-friendly facilities like bike paths.

Which routes to discover the bike while having fun in Paris?

Bertrand recommends three routes in Paris for cyclists, confirmed or not. The first to cross the hypertonic of the capital and see the city differently from the Concorde to the banks of the Marne through the Louvre, the City Hall, the Bastille or Bercy.

Finally, it is possible to reach Versailles via the Parc de St Cloud in less than an hour from Paris intramural. This route is not frequented by cars, it rises a bit, but "it's gratifying to finish in front of the Palace of Versailles."

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