The eBike sharing to restart companies after the lockdown

Napsal (») 21. 5. 2020 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 531×
Reflective Vest

The service offers eBikes based on the number of collaborators, to allow safe and autonomous movements.

A new bike-sharing project, called Möves  - from the Milanese dialect "Möves" (let's move) - promoted by the company, to help companies start after the lockdown, debuts today in the city of Milan.

Big and small companies will be able to provide pedal-assisted bicycles for their collaborators through dedicated service, safeguarding their health, and ensuring, at the same time, a comfortable and practical means of moving from home to work in total autonomy and in the set times.

Möves intends to represent an alternative to public transport and to those sharing formulas whose accessibility is unknown in the new Milanese mobility scenario. The operating rental service was created to meet the needs of about 400 thousand residents of the Lombard capital who move from their accommodation every day to go to their usual place of work and who may encounter difficulties in using public transport, due to restrictions still in progress for the containment of the epidemic.

The advantages for companies wishing to join the initiative include fully deductible fees, constant costs that facilitate the planning of expenses, no impact on the credit rating.

Möves will offer three special eBikes, with names that pay homage to the old Milanese districts: Brera, Bullona, and Acquabella. The different models are designed to meet the needs of individuals, and also include a series of accessories such as a helmet and reflective vest / high-visibility jacket.

"By launching this project  - declares Mariateresa Mandotti, head of the Möves by initiative - we would like to sensitize the Milanese companies to adopt not just a simple bike, but a real" worry-free ", all-inclusive solution that can guarantee safety in the movements and punctuality of collaborators, a valid alternative to the use of public transport or private cars".

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