The gendarmes monitor the highways of the Loire

Napsal (») 31. 8. 2018 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 471×

Speed checks, fight against theft on motorway areas, prevention in schools ... The missions of the nineteen gendarmes of the departmental road safety squadron based in Feurs are not limited to offenses and traffic offenses.

Posted behind the Veauchette toll on the A72, Warrant Officer Marauder waits for the signal. While he is clearly visible with his reflective vest over his uniform, two of his colleagues are hidden on the side of the highway, a few kilometers upstream. Binoculars on the nose, they have just flashed a motorist at 158 km / h. They immediately inform the adjutant by specifying the model and registration of the vehicle. The gendarmes are positioned just behind the toll gates and are waiting for the car. On board, a couple of Liberians. It will be a withdrawal of two points of license and a fine of 90 Euros.

"We have no quota to respect for speeding"

"Contrary to what people think, we have no quota to respect for speeding. What interests us most, it is the big speeding, "he says. Although the gendarmes all have their service weapon, about ten meters, another armed with a submachine gun monitors the area. "A road check can escalate. That's why, at each patrol, a gendarme always has a larger weapon, "says the adjutant.

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