The scooter ordinance will not enter into force before four months

Napsal (») 13. 5. 2020 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 296×
Reflective Vest

The final roadmap for the approval and application of the ordinance with which the Malaga City Council sets out to order and control electric scooters and the rest of personal mobility vehicles (VMP) is cleared. After receiving the endorsement of the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), the Mobility area already has an affirmative answer from the municipal Legal Department regarding the contemplated regime of infractions and sanctions.

Because of the existing questions and after the consultations made, the department chooses to use the Local Regime Bases Law as a reference, which in its title XI includes sanctioning matters. Be that as it may, the application of the articles of this norm will be made to wait for several months. According to the forecasts handled by the Mobility Councilor, José del Río, the term may be about four months.

Strong hand against electric scooters in Malaga

Why? Del Río explained to this newspaper that once all the previous process of clarifying doubts, which confirm the solidity of the proposal, has been overcome, the draft will be published at the beginning of next week on the Malaga Contesta portal so that any citizen can consult and analyze its content, making suggestions if you consider it appropriate.

Three people ride a segway through the city center. Three people ride a segway through the city center.

Once this process has been completed, the document will go back to the Legal and Intervention Advisory; afterward, you will have to go to the Technical Ordinance Commission; it will be raised to the Mayor's Office for approval by the Local Government Board. And finally, it will enter the path of the Plenary. First is the subject of debate in the Territorial Planning and Mobility Commission and later being voted in the ordinary session.

The councilman himself already advances the certain impossibility that, taking into account this procedure, the Plenary can give the green light to the ordinance this month of November. "But we will carry it to December," he said convinced. At the time, he appreciated "the important step we have taken in unlocking legal issues."

Once with the approval of the Plenary, the agreement will be published in the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP), giving the starting signal to the public exposition of the text for 30 days. Provided that after the term there are no allegations, "it shall be considered definitively approved". The last movement will again be its publication in the BOP for its entry into force.

Waiting to be able to know in detail the sanctioning regime contemplated by the Consistory, the final draft decidedly bets on removing the scooters from the sidewalks, forcing its users to circulate on the roads and bike lanes. To do this, it also establishes a series of conditions that users must respect.

As an example, the driver of one of these devices will have to wear a helmet and a reflective vest if he is traveling on 50 km / h routes. Where they will not be able to circulate in any case is through the so-called basic network, which includes the main avenues of the city. You are also required to have liability insurance.

The minimum age required to be able to circulate with one of these vehicles is 16 years. If they are younger, they will have to be accompanied by an adult or tutor. These requirements apply to Type A personal mobility vehicles, which include smaller and lighter wheels, platforms, and electric scooters, with a maximum mass of 25 kilometers and one meter in length; and b, which are platforms and electric scooters of up to 50 kilos and 1.9 meters in length. These devices will always have to comply with minimum technical conditions, such as brake systems, bell, front and rear lights, and reflective elements.

As main lines, the document defines and classifies the devices, establishes the conditions of use and prohibited behaviors. The City Council will have to grant authorization for the operation of the scooter rental companies, for example, which will be renewed annually. The aforementioned permit may not be extended if a firm has vehicles in the warehouse.

The City Council also wants to compel scooter rental companies to keep charging the client active until they stop at places enabled for it or to establish a system to stop the scooter if a driver decides to enter prohibited spaces. They will also be required to have a physical location and a 24-hour operating mobile phone.

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