Ion Plum, the wheelchair man who was injured at the beginning of August in the central area of Barlad, escaped from the needles of the needle by a total paralysis. The clinical and preclinical investigations performed at the Neurosurgery Hospital in Iasi, where it was transported immediately after the accident, revealed a two-seated rib rupture as well as a spinal cord rupture as well as a hematoma in the occipital area.
The man who is immobilized in a wheelchair after a childhood vaccine thanks God for leaving him alive to raise his daughter for three years with his wife Magdalena. After filming with the shocking accident was posted on social networks, many internet critics criticized for the unpleasant way in which he circulates, but he believes he has never violated the rules of circulation.
"I've been on the street with the wheelchair for years. I know the rules of movement. It is very difficult for me, a disabled person, with a spasm, to travel in a chair among hundreds of cars. It's a real adventure because the number of cars has tripled, but I have no choice. That's the way I can move. I say so, God forbid you to go like you. " Ion Plum confessed to East News.
He says that on that day of August 6. When he was hit by a car driven by a woman, he was about to move from one tape to another. He had a reflective vest, but bad luck made the misfortune. The man trust that the court will have the last word. Even if after the accident the man's wagon suffered, failing perfectly, Ion is glad that he could resume his life so far. He looks after his mother and wife as a little girl, whom he sometimes takes to the kindergarten, socializes with the barbarians, tries to stay in the middle of the people, to whom they offer religious books or bead bracelets, and sometimes he also receives money. He does not complain that he has nothing to live with, although his disability allowance has just reached 500 leis.
God was next to him after the accident, but also in recent years when he did not have a home, an association built him a cottage in the southern area of the city. He helped his team of workers to crawl as he could, trying to convince them that he was a normal man, even if he could not use his feet.
All that he would now like is for the City Hall to lend him a helping hand to raise a fence around the house. Entrance to the dwelling is done straight out of the street, the house being exposed to thieves or dogs between blocks, and people cannot react because they are stuck in wheelchairs.