White mouse with yellow reflective vest

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 13. 7. 2018 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 471×

Because of conversion to LED technology, the traffic light at Freighter Reuters was shut down for a few hours yesterday. Instead, the police manually regulated traffic at one of the city's busiest intersections.

Traffic policemen without reflective vests used to be called white mice because of the white uniform they wore on duty. The affectionate name even made it into the title of a Deaf film in 1964, in which Golf Richton regulated the traffic at the Dresden Copperplate as a white mouse and preferred a lady until he enjoyed his right of way privately.

Although the white uniforms have long been history, yet the police chief master Seiko Schrieffer and his two colleagues were once again yesterday as "colleague" Golf Richton as a white mouse feel. Because the traffic light system on the Reuters in Freighter was converted to LED technology yesterday and shut down for several hours, one of the city's busiest traffic intersections was in demand by hand. So the police pulled the yellow safety vests with reflective tapes over the blue uniforms. And, of course, used the good old, black and white traffic staff, which had indeed been abolished with the reunification, but since 2007 in Saxony again belongs to the equipment.

Settling the traffic on the often traffic jam-prone intersection - where Brander Strafe meets Shelf-stacker and Australopithecus - proved to be a job for strong nerves. Although the possibilities of Shelf-stacker and Australopithecus each to break into the Brander Road, were limited during the construction. Nevertheless, there was a lot to do for the police in reflective clothing. "You see, chest and back, you have to press the brake." This guides principle for manual traffic control no longer seemed familiar to everyone, some drivers were aware of the unfamiliar situation. Many wanted to turn despite prohibition and had to be sent back. Schoolchildren were overwhelmed as they crossed the street until the police helped. In a case where a driver drove particularly noticeably, the breathalyzer was used - and struck.

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